I have mentioned a couple times over the past months that our household is car shopping (we are a one car family at the moment). Well that wasn't really true, I was actually being stubborn. Yes, I said it. I was being stubborn. Copy it, save it, print it out. You won't see it again. I was actually telling myself that I wanted a certain kind of car, and that I was not going to look at anything else. That was foolish of me. I now see that. You ask why? Well because five months later I am still without a car. So for the past two weeks I have been kicking myself. It is one of those "Oh, I have seen it and now I don't want anything else" hissy fits that I know everyone has.
Need - something you have to have
Want - something you would like to have that your brain tells you that you need
Those definitions sometimes get tangled in my head. Especially when we are talking about car shopping. When I started looking around I pictured a newer midsize SUV with navigation (you need it to get around), sunroof (you need it to get a tan while driving), leather (you need it because it is pretty) and low mileage. Of course, I didn't think this would be difficult to find in our price range. Boy was I wrong! I could have easily told Kyle that we would work it out, and we could afford the more expensive car, that we could give up some of the other things fluff things in our budget. But instead of over extending ourselves into a car payment we aren't comfortable with I began to scale down my picture perfect car.
This brings us to real time and the issue of having to wrap my head around being an adult and giving up some of those expensive luxuries. My husband knows my weakness when it comes to money, when I hesitate to buy something, he always asks would you rather have the money or the item. So I am trying to bring that thought process to this gruesome situation. Who else out there dislikes car shopping? I sure do.
Does that mean that I should only buy a junker of a car? No, I still need something automatic because well I can't drive manuel. Life is meant to be lived, not survived. I believe you should treat yourself to some wants along the way, but do it to the point you can afford it and still enjoy it.
The question I get to now ask myself is "would I rather have a top of the line vehicle or spend that money on my family and our experiences together?" When you look back, will you remember what you drove or that fantastic vacation to Bora Bora (I wish).
Anyone else have any situations that require you to think about it being a want versus a need? I would love to hear how you handled it.